Terms and conditions

Special Conditions


The private company with limited liability Storo with registered office at Ringlaan 17 / E, 2960 Brecht and registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under
company number 0717.595.310, hereby represented by its manager,
Mr. Lennert De bruyn;

hereinafter referred to as "Storo", with the following contact details:

  • Telephone number: [TELEPHONE NUMBER]
  • E-mail: [E-MAIL]



  • hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, with the following contact details:
  • Mobile phone number: [MOBILE PHONE]
  • E-mail: [E-MAIL]
  • (if applicable) fixed telephone number: [FIXED TELEPHONE NUMBER]

Storo and the Customer are hereinafter referred to separately as a “Party” and together the “Parties”.

Is expressly agreed as follows:         

Article 1. Object 

Storo hereby rents to the Client, who accepts, a part of the real estate located at [LOCATION ESTABLISHMENT] (hereinafter the “Storo Site”), in particular the following storage facility: [UNIT NUMBER] (hereinafter the “Unit” ).  

The Customer acknowledges that he has received the Unit in good condition and does not wish to draw up a statement of findings, given the good condition of the Unit and the lack of contents. By accepting the special and general terms and conditions (hereinafter together the “Agreement”), the Customer accepts that the Unit is in good condition, without defects and perfectly clean, and suitable for the legal and agreed purpose of storage.

Storo also grants the Customer a right of passage via the main entrance, hall, stairs and corridors, parking and (if available) lift of the Storo Site. The Client does not acquire any right of use on these passageways, so that there is no co-ownership. The Customer does not bear a share in the costs for this.


Article 2. Duration 

This Agreement has been entered into for a fixed term of one month with effect from: [DATE OF EFFECT OF THE AGREEMENT]

Unless the Agreement is terminated by one of the parties no later than seven (7) days before the expiry of the aforementioned period of one month, the Agreement will be tacitly renewed for a new period of one month.


Article 3. Rental price 

The monthly rent including insurance payable for the Unit is EUR [AMOUNT OF MONTHLY RENTAL PRICE] (hereinafter the “Rent”). Unless otherwise agreed for promotions on the website or the like. 

Since the Unit will only be used as a storage space, the Parties opt to subject this rent to VAT in application of article 44 §3 2 ° d) of the VAT Code. The total rental price for the Unit is therefore monthly [TOTAL MONTHLY RENTAL PRICE] EUR. If, for whatever reason, the rent would not or no longer be subject to VAT, the Parties will renegotiate in good faith about an adjustment of the rent.

The rental price must be transferred for the first time to Storo's bank account with account number [ACCOUNT NUMBER STORO] before this Agreement commences. In addition, the Customer authorizes Storo - in the absence of notification of non-renewal within the period stated in article 2 - to collect the amount due for the following month via SEPA, Visa, Mastercard. The Customer will receive the invoice for the new one-month period five days before the start of the subsequent period and payment will be collected two days before the start of the subsequent period.  

The Customer expressly accepts that all invoices issued by Storo in the context of this Agreement are drawn up electronically and sent to the aforementioned e-mail address. 


Article 4. Insurance 

The Client expressly declares that the goods that will be stored in the Unit during the entire term of the Agreement will have a maximum value of EUR [INSURED AMOUNT] . 

Storo will insure the value of these goods as standard up to an amount of EUR 2,500.00. The (possible) surplus of the value of the goods must be insured by the Customer himself in accordance with the modalities explained in Article 7 of the General Terms and Conditions. 


Article 5. Appendices 

The general terms and conditions and the house rules attached are an integral part of this Agreement. Customer expressly declares to have received this information prior to being bound by this Agreement, and undertakes to comply with the terms contained herein. To the extent that there are contradictions between the appendices, the following hierarchy should be used: (1) the special conditions, (2) the general conditions and (3) the internal regulations.


Article 6. Signature and obligation to provide information

The parties acknowledge that this Agreement is concluded electronically by means of two-step authentication.[1] This contract (consisting of the special terms and conditions, the general terms and conditions and the internal regulations) will be sent to the Customer by e-mail and stored electronically on the customer portal, with each party having the option to copy one (or more) written copies. (a) r (s) available on simple request. Both parties explicitly waive the formal requirement contained in Article 1325 of the Dutch Civil Code that an original copy is handed over to each party that has a different interest.

Drawn up at [PLACE ESTABLISHMENT] on [DATE]   



Lennert De bruyn




The customer







[1] This authentication includes (i) a unique password chosen by the Customer to log in to the customer portal and (ii) confirming the Customer's identity by entering a code uniquely associated with the Customer and is sent by SMS to a mobile phone specified by the Customer that can be used under his sole control.

Terms and Conditions


Article 1. Object and nature of the agreement    

1.1. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all agreements between the company Storo Bvba, with enterprise number 0717.595.310 and registered office at 2960 Brecht, Ringlaan 17 / E (hereinafter 'Storo') and users (hereinafter 'Customer') of the storage space (i.e. any storage product or storage service such as parking, bulk surfaces, locker cabinets, etc., hereinafter 'Unit') and on all services provided or to be provided by Storo. The entrustment or abandonment of goods (hereinafter the 'Goods') by the Customer on the Storo company site (hereinafter the 'Storo Site') automatically constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. 

1.2. The Special Conditions, these General Conditions and the Internal Regulations together form the contractual conditions (hereinafter 'the Agreement'). 

1.3. The Agreement does not confer any right in rem to the Client, but only a right of use of the rented Unit. The Agreement is a common law lease and does not fall under the provisions of the Law of April 30, 1951 on Commercial Leases, nor under the rules regarding housing rental. Storo will never act as a warehouse keeper, guard or custodian with regard to the rented Unit and / or the stored Goods. Since the Agreement concerns a common law lease and not a service or sale, the Customer has no right of withdrawal. The Client is of course free to cancel the Agreement in accordance with Article 2 of the special conditions. 

1.4. The Customer acknowledges that the Unit referred to in article 1 of the special terms and conditions does not have any essential characteristics that would be essential for its use. Storo therefore has the right to rent to the Customer another Unit of a similar or larger type (on delivery or during the Agreement, subject to prior notice of at least one week), without this change entailing additional costs for the Customer. If Storo cannot deliver a Unit of the agreed (or larger) type on the date foreseen for commissioning of the Unit, the Customer has the right to demand the dissolution of the Agreement after reminder by registered letter, in which case Storo will pay a fixed compensation. of 15 days rent is due. If the Client does not dissolve the Agreement, the entry into force of the Agreement will be suspended until delivery of the Unit. 

1.5. Customer accepts that all unit dimensions statements are estimates. Any deviation between the actual size of a Unit and the size indicated in the Agreement does not entitle any party and can never lead to a price adjustment. 

Article 2. Destination and use    

2.1. The Client acknowledges that it accepts the use of the Unit as storage space. The Client is not permitted to re-use the rented Unit. The Customer will use the Unit in accordance with the permitted purpose and the provisions of the Agreement. 

2.2. Customer will comply with all provisions of this Agreement, the law and local regulations as well as any instructions from local and national authorities, utilities and insurers. 

2.3. The Customer is obliged to use the Unit in such a way that the surroundings, the environment and the other Storo Site users are never inconvenienced by this (e.g. no noise from radios and other devices, no dust or odor nuisance, no leaks). . The Customer must always take the necessary precautions to prevent such environmental and environmental nuisance and / or damage 

2.4. The Customer is NOT allowed to use the Unit: 

  • as a workshop, for commercial activities or for a public sale;
  • as domicile or as registered office or business unit of a company;
  • for any illegal, criminal or immoral activities (including e.g. tax fraud);
  • for the storage of cash, securities or shares;
  • for the storage of animals, waste and all possible waste materials (including hazardous, poisonous or animal substances), any object that may cause smoke or odor nuisance, food and other perishable items;
  • for the storage of firearms, explosives or ammunition, illegal objects or substances (e.g. drugs, contraband, stolen goods);
  • for the storage of hazardous substances (chemicals, radioactive substances, biological agents, asbestos and / or blue leather, (artificial) fertilizer, gas bottles and / or batteries, fireworks, etc.);
  • for the storage of car and / or motorcycle wrecks;
  • flammable and flammable materials or liquids including gasoline and diesel (with the exception of the permitted minimum for cars and / or motorcycles and other gasoline carriers);
  • all possible other toxic, flammable or dangerous substances or preparations that are listed as such under the applicable legislation or local regulations (for more information see, for example, www.gevaarsymbolen.be/nl ). 

If the Customer acts in violation of this, the Customer is liable to Storo for all damage that Storo may suffer as a result and will indemnify them at first request. In addition, the Customer exposes himself to possible criminal prosecution. The Customer notes that Storo will not check the Goods or verify their compliance with the provisions of the Agreement and any legal provisions.

The Customer may store (oldtimer) cars and / or motorcycles (which are not wrecks) in the Unit, provided that the necessary protection is present under the car and / or motorcycle to prevent leaking oil from harming the environment or the Unit and the presence of fuel in the designated fuel tank is kept to a minimum. In addition, the Customer must at all times maintain adequate insurance for these cars and / or motorcycles that covers any damage to third parties (including Storo).


Article 3. Indexation of rent and non-payment    

3.1. The Rent is automatically subject to indexation annually upon the entry into force of the contract, based on the following formula: 

indexed rent = base rent x new index 

base index

where the base rent is equal to twelve times the monthly Rent, the new index is the health index of the month preceding the anniversary of the entry into force and the base index is the health index of the month preceding the date of signing the Agreement.

3.2. Storo has the right to adjust the Rent and fees for additional services (eg insurance), with this adjustment taking effect one month after notification by e-mail. In that case, the Customer has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement without compensation, subject to cancellation by registered letter within a period of 7 calendar days after this notification. 

3.3. If the payment of the Rent and costs has not been received in full on the due date, interest will automatically and legally be payable at an interest rate of 10%, as well as a fixed compensation of 10% of the outstanding amount, with a minimum of 40 EUR. If Storo fails to make any payments to the Customer, the same fees will apply. 

Storo is entitled to charge an administrative fee as follows: no reminder fee for the first reminder and EUR 20 for each subsequent reminder, reminder or notice of default.

In addition, in the absence of payment within the payment term and after a payment reminder, Storo may deny the Customer access to the Unit until the full payment of the outstanding balance in application of Storo's right of retention. In that case, the Client remains obliged to pay the Rent and any additional costs during the occupation of the Unit.

3.4. If the Customer is manifestly in default of payment and / or the Agreement has been terminated, Storo reserves the right (at Storo's option) to: 

  • remove the Goods from the Unit and transfer them to an alternate storage location, without liability for any loss or damage arising from such removal;
  • to charge the Customer a compensation of at least EUR 75 per m³ started for the removal costs and compensation equal to the Rent for the storage costs of these goods, without prejudice to Storo's right to claim the full cost thereof;
  • to charge the Client a monthly occupancy fee equal to the Rent;
  • sell these Goods to cover outstanding receivables. Any credit balance will be refunded to the Customer.

All this without prejudice to Storo's other rights under common law and this Agreement.

3.5. The Customer agrees that all Goods in the Unit will serve as security for Storo's right to payment of the rent, costs or any other sum due. In particular, the Client acknowledges that Storo, in its capacity as lessor, enjoys a privilege over all goods stored in the Unit, in application of Article 20.1 ° of the Mortgage Law. The customer also accepts that this security on the Goods in the Unit may result in a loss of property.  

Article 4. Subletting and transfer    

4.1. The benefit of the Agreement is personal and the right to occupy the Unit can only be exercised by the Client. The Customer is not allowed to sublet the Unit in whole or in part or to transfer the Agreement, unless Storo has given prior written consent. 

4.2. Storo may transfer its rights and obligations under the Agreement, without the prior approval of the Customer, unless the consumer's guarantees would be diminished without his consent. 

Article 5. Liability    

5.1. The Customer acknowledges and accepts to be fully responsible and liable for all actions of the persons who access the Customer's Unit or who use the Customer's access code / access rights. Any reference to 'Customer' in these terms and conditions also includes a reference to such persons. 

5.2. The Customer is liable for damage caused to the Unit or the Storo Site and will fully compensate Storo for this on first request, supported by supporting documents. 

5.3. When entering into the Agreement, the Customer guarantees that it alone has legal and / or beneficial ownership of the Goods and therefore accepts all liability in relation to the Goods. The Customer will indemnify and hold harmless Storo against any cost, claim or any other action by a third party in connection with the Goods (including any disputes related to disputes over title or right of possession) or the Customer's use of the Unit. 

5.4. Hidden defects in the Unit must be reported by the Customer by registered letter to Storo within a reasonable period of two (2) working days after taking cognizance and with the addition of the necessary supporting documents and photos, failing which its right of claim will lapse. 

5.5. Storo is only liable for damage as a result of its intent or gross negligence or that of its employees or agents, for the non-performance of one of the main performances of the Agreement (except for force majeure) or in the event of legal liability in the event of death or physical injury to the Customer due to an act or omission on the part of Storo. Storo cannot otherwise be held liable for any damage to the Goods or any other damage suffered by the Customer (such as indirect or consequential damage). 

5.6. Storo is never liable for any damage or interruption of the enjoyment of the Unit that is attributable to a cause beyond Storo's control (including activities of other Customers or third parties, (temporary) technical failures, snow, etc.). 

5.7. Storo accepts no liability for any damage to the Customer if the stored Goods are inappropriate, unsafe or illegal or if the Customer has violated any legal or contractual provision causally related to the occurrence or extent of the damage. 

5.8. The Customer acknowledges that the exclusions and limitations of liability in this article are fair and reasonable, given that it is a common law lease, Storo is not aware of the nature of the stored Goods, Storo does not organize security or control and the insurance obligation of the Customer. 

Article 6. Security    

6.1. Storo rents out the Unit without any further warranty as to the safekeeping, supervision or safety of the Goods stored in the Unit. The Customer himself is responsible for the safety of the Goods that he stores in the Unit. 

6.2. To the extent required or permitted by law, Storo will cooperate in any inspection or monitoring of the Storo Site and / or the Unit by any national, local, regulatory or criminal authorities and agencies. Storo is not liable for the consequences of such inspections or checks. 

Article 7. Insurance obligation    

7.1. During the entire term of the Agreement, the Customer must insure the Goods against loss and damage within the framework of an all-risk goods insurance policy in order to cover the full value of the Goods. 

7.2. The minimum insurance value per Unit is 2,500 euros. Up to a value of 25,000 euros, the Customer is obliged to take out this insurance through Storo, which can offer the Customer a preferential rate as stated in the Special Conditions through a group purchase from a reputable insurance company. 

7.3. The Customer can take out additional insurance at his own expense for goods exceeding the value of EUR 25,000, in which case the Customer will inform Storo in advance in writing. Where appropriate, the Customer must take out this additional insurance with a reputable insurance company and the policy must contain an article in favor of Storo under which the insurer waives all rights of recourse against Storo, its employees, employees, directors, insurer. and contractual partners. 

At the conclusion of the Agreement, the Customer provides Storo with proof of the insurance policy without this resulting in any liability for Storo. The Customer will of its own accord provide Storo with proof of payment of the premiums and will immediately notify Storo in writing of any suspension or termination of this insurance policy. In the absence of this proof, Storo will be able to terminate the agreement or take out additional insurance at the expense of the Customer.

7.4. In the event of non-payment of the insurance premiums (to Storo or to a third party insurer for the amount above 25,000 euros), all loss and damage not covered by the insurance will be for the risk and account of the Customer. 

7.5. Storo is responsible for the insurance of the Storo Site and the building. A copy of the insurance certificate can be delivered at the first request of the Customer. 

Article 8. Maintenance, repairs and changes    

8.1. The Client will maintain the Unit in good condition. The Customer takes the necessary precautions to prevent damage to the Unit, the Storo Site or the property of Storo or third parties. 

8.2. The Customer will inform Storo within a reasonable term after becoming aware (in principle 2 working days) of any damage to the Unit, failing which the Customer is liable for the repair of the damage and all consequences thereof. 

Storo will carry out the repairs to the Unit, whereby minor repairs within the meaning of Article 1754 of the Dutch Civil Code and repairs to damage caused by the Customer's fault will be charged to the Customer. Storo will provide the Customer with a quotation for the repair in advance for significant amounts. The Customer agrees to pay invoices for repair work within 7 days from the date of dispatch.

The other damage and damage due to wear and tear or age will be repaired by Storo at its own expense.

8.3. The Client will tolerate all works that Storo is required to perform on the Unit in the context of repairs or renovation, without compensation or reduction of Rent. 

8.4. The Client is not entitled to make any structural changes or other alteration works to the Unit. 

Article 9. Access by Storo and / or third parties    

9.1. In principle, Storo and its employees will only enter the Unit with the prior consent of the Customer, who may not unreasonably refuse this. 

9.2. Storo has the right to access the Unit at all times in order to carry out (or have carried out) work and research in the context of maintenance, repair, renovation and expansion, repartitioning, including the installation of additional facilities. The Client will facilitate this access where necessary. Storo will inform the Customer of this, unless time and circumstances do not permit this. 

9.3. Storo may request the Customer to move the goods within a reasonable period of time to another Unit, or possibly a nearby Storo Site. In that case, the Customer has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement without compensation, subject to cancellation by registered letter within a period of 7 calendar days after this notification. If the Customer fails to cancel or move the goods, Storo may enter the Unit in order to move the Goods to another Unit with due care but at the risk of the Customer. 

9.4. Storo has the right to enter the Unit in an emergency without the consent of the Customer or warning to the Customer (if necessary by breaking open). In addition, Storo has the right to provide access to the Unit upon legal request from national, local, regulatory or criminal authorities and agencies, without obtaining the prior consent of the Customer. 

Article 10. End of the Agreement  

10.1. At the end of the Agreement (regardless of the reason for this), the Customer is obliged to return the Unit to Storo perfectly clean, completely vacated and in the same condition as on the commencement date of the Agreement (all this with due observance of normal wear and tear).           

If the Customer fails to do so, the Customer is liable for all costs and damage resulting from leaving these Goods behind. The Customer will in any case reimburse the costs incurred by Storo for evacuation (with a minimum of EUR 75 per m³ started) or repair. Storo is hereby fully authorized by the Customer to possibly sell any abandoned Goods.

10.2. Each Party has the right to unilaterally dissolve the Agreement by registered letter in the event of serious breach of contract on the part of the other party, including but not limited to:           

  1. failure to comply with any obligation imposed by law, national or local regulations; or
  2. non-payment of the Rent or additional costs for at least one month;
  3. repeated non-compliance with this Agreement, including bylaws;
  4. manifest suspension of payment, bankruptcy or any other insolvency-related measure on the part of the Client.

The defaulting Party owes compensation in the amount of one month's Rent, with a minimum of EUR 75, without prejudice to the right to claim other and / or the actual damage (eg for rental damage).

10.3. In the event of expropriation for reasons of public benefit, the Customer renounces any recourse against Storo and the Customer will only assert its rights against the expropriating government, without however reducing the compensation for Storo.           

Article 11. Announcements, change of address  

11.1. Any communication under this Agreement may be validly made by post, email or any other electronic means as specified in the Agreement.           

The Customer expressly accepts the electronic dispatch of notices and invoices and registered mail in electronic format (using the e-mail address and mobile telephone number stated in the Agreement), unless otherwise stipulated in the special conditions. The Customer declares to have taken note of the general terms and conditions of this service ( https://www.aangetreken.email/GCAE_NL.pdf ) and will add the e-mail addresses admin@aangetreken.email and support@aangetekenen.email if necessary. to the safe senders in the spam settings.

In the case of notification by registered mail, the notification will be deemed to have been received on the date of dispatch.

11.2. The Customer must inform Storo via the website of any change to his / her postal address, electronic address or telephone number before such a change takes effect. Storo is entitled to perform certain checks upon request for a change with a view to compliance with legislation and the security of the Storo Site and its users.           

Article 12. Personal data and privacy  

12.1. The Customer's personal data is processed by Storo as the data controller under applicable data protection laws.           

In this regard, Storo will process the personal data collected from the Customer in the context of the performance of the Agreement in accordance with applicable national and European privacy legislation, including but not limited to the Belgian Law of July 30, 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 as they are in force and as they may be amended, supplemented or replaced in the future (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Privacy Legislation”).

Furthermore, the Customer's personal data will be processed by Storo in accordance with the rules and provisions set out in Storo's Privacy Policy (which is available online on Storo's website. This policy describes, among other things, the reasons why Storo processes the personal data, the rights of the Customer with regard to the personal data and other important aspects of how Storo processes this personal data.

12.2. The Customer confirms that when the personal data was handed over to Storo, he was aware of the content of the Privacy Policy.           

The Customer confirms that the personal data that he transfers to Storo in the context of the performance of the Agreement could be transferred to Storo and processed by Storo in accordance with the provisions and principles of the Privacy legislation and other applicable legal regulations.

12.3. Storo will process the received personal data as controller on the basis of the Agreement and / or on the basis of a legal obligation.           

Storo takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, modification or damage of the personal data, in accordance with the Privacy legislation.

Article 13. Complaints procedure and disputes  

13.1. Complaints should be addressed to Storo's customer service by registered letter to the address stated in the opening lines or via the form available for this purpose on the website. The complaints must be drawn up clearly and with reasons, stating the disputed amount and the necessary supporting documents.           

13.2. The Customer undertakes to report complaints to Storo no later than two (2) weeks after the invoice date or the date of the claim. The uncontested amount must be paid within the normal timeframe. If the complaint is rejected by Storo, the disputed amount will become immediately due and payable.           

13.3. If the Customer has followed the procedure described above within the periods provided for this purpose, but does not agree with the decision taken, it can initiate legal proceedings after notifying Storo thereof.           

Article 14. Final provisions  

14.1. The nullity of one or more clauses of this Agreement will not result in the nullity of the entire Agreement. The void clause will be considered unwritten to the extent that it is illegal, and the Parties undertake to replace it with an economically equivalent clause if necessary.           

14.2. The Client understands and accepts these general terms and conditions. These general terms and conditions are available online via the Storo website.           

Any changes to these terms and conditions will be communicated by Storo to the Customer by post or email and will take effect 30 days after notification. Where appropriate, the Customer has the right to terminate the Agreement without compensation, provided that notification thereof by registered letter within 7 days of receipt of the notification of change.

14.3. All (natural or legal persons) who enter into the Agreement as a Customer or who gain access to the Storo Site and / or the Unit via the Customer's personal login, are jointly and severally liable for the performance of the obligations in this Agreement.           

14.4. The Customer is responsible for the registration of the Agreement as well as the registration costs, any fines or double rights.           

14.5. All disputes that may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement are within the jurisdiction of the Courts where the Unit is located, being the place where the obligations are to be performed. This Agreement is governed by Belgian law.           





House rules



Article 1. Scope    

These internal regulations (hereinafter the 'Regulations') apply to any user (hereinafter 'Customer') of a storage facility (i.e. any storage product or service such as parking, bulk areas, locker cabinets, etc., hereinafter 'Unit') at the Storo Bvba site, with company number 0717.595.310 and registered office at 2960 Brecht, Ringlaan 17 / E (hereinafter 'Storo' and 'Storo Site').       

Each Client undertakes to make these Regulations known to his rightful claimants, appointees and employees as well as to have any legal successor agree to these Regulations.

The Regulations are in addition to the other contractual obligations agreed between the Customer and Storo and aim to ensure each Customer the peaceful enjoyment of his rights and to maintain the good reputation and standing of the building.

Article 2. Access to and exit from the Storo Site     

A Customer can only start using a new Unit during the advertised opening hours. The customer then has access to his Unit during the online opening hours of the Storo Site.

Customers receive personal access to the Storo Site and their Unit. Whenever the Client wants to access the Unit, he will have to use his / her personal access. Each access is strictly personal and may under no circumstances be used by third parties. Nor is it permitted to enter or leave the Storo Site by following another Customer or vehicle, without using one's own personal access.

In the event that a Customer wishes to give third parties access to the Unit, the Customer must request specific access for this and provide the necessary data from the third parties. The Customer will always be responsible for the third parties to whom additional access is granted.

Children should not be left alone anywhere within the Storo Site.

Each Customer shall ensure that the entrance hall, stairs and corridors of the Storo Site, as well as the emergency exit, emergency ladders and fire protection installations are freely accessible at all times.

Article 3. Access to the Unit    

Each Unit is secured with a specially designed locking system to which an electronic lock is connected.

A Customer is solely responsible for the correct shutdown of the Unit.

Each Customer will always ensure that all doors and gates are closed after entering or exiting the Storo Site.

Article 4. Emergency / fire procedure    

Each Customer is responsible for familiarizing themselves with emergency or fire safety procedures and for familiarizing themselves with fire and escape routes. Emergency exits are scattered around the building and clearly marked. A Customer may never block these emergency exits with Goods and must keep these exits clear at all times.

The Customer can only use the emergency exits in the event of situations requiring an emergency evacuation such as fire or power failure. In the event of abuse, Storo will reclaim from the Customer all costs incurred as a result.

Article 5. Cleanliness    

Customers are not allowed to place advertising placards, signs, signs, posters or other markings on the outside of the Unit, nor on stairwells, doors or entrance hall.

A strict smoking ban applies within the Storo site.

The Unit must be closed off by the Customer at all times and maintained in a tidy manner and with due care. Customer is responsible for removing any dirt and debris from the Unit. The customer is not allowed to leave waste or goods (or pieces of goods) in or around the Unit, under penalty of compensation for the (waste) removal costs, which amount to at least EUR 75 per m³ started.

Trolleys or trolleys are available for the convenience of the Customer and must not leave the Storo Site. After using a trolley or trolley, it must be returned undamaged to the 'trolley bay'. For each day of delay in the return, a fee of EUR 20 will be charged to the Customer. If the trolley is damaged or not returned, a flat-rate compensation of EUR 150 will be charged to the customer's account.

Article 6. Quiet enjoyment    

Customers assure the peaceful enjoyment of the Storo Site and the Units for everyone. Customers are careful not to spread unpleasant smells or cause noise nuisance.

Each supply of Goods will be carried out by the Customer, taking into account the peaceful enjoyment of the Storo Site for the other Customers.

Customers ensure that they (as well as persons for whom they are responsible) conduct themselves at all times with respect to their dealings and language and that they do not in any way detract from the image and good reputation of the Storo Site.

Article 7. Security    

The traffic rules apply within the Storage Site. The speed limit for motorized vehicles is 10 km per hour unless a lower speed is reasonably justified to ensure the safety of all. Parking is only allowed in the designated places.

The use of trolley carts, motor vehicles, lifts or any other equipment provided by Storo is always at the own risk of the Customers. Customers should ensure that none of these are used or operated by children.

Goods in the Unit must always be stored in a safe manner, without exerting pressure on the walls or exceeding the maximum load capacity of the floor (namely 350kg / m²). Customers must comply with the maximum permitted load and the stated instructions in an elevator and are liable for any accidents.

Storo has no obligation to receive Goods for the Customer. The Customer will in no way hold Storo liable for deliveries that the Customer would nevertheless have made on the Storo Site.

Article 8. Amendments    

Storo has the right to make changes to the Regulations, provided that all Users are notified thereof by email. An integral and updated version of the Regulations is available for inspection at any time on the Storo Site.


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